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디아블로3, 1.0.3a 패치

한국 시각 오는 27일 새벽 디아블로 최근 업데이트인 1.0.3에서 발견된 소소한 버그와 문제점을 해결한 패치가 적용될 예정이다. 정식 버전은 v.1.0.3. 10235이며 적용될 내용은 아래와 같다. 


Witch Doctor

Bug Fixes

Zombie Charger 

Skill Rune – Zombie Bears

Fixed a bug where Zombie Bears were unable to attack targets on slopes

Zombie Bears should no longer become stuck on objects with which they shouldn’t have collision



Equipped items will now take "wear-and-tear" durability damage at half the previous rate

Please note that durability loss as the result of normal combat is different from the 10% durability loss characters will incur when they die. Equipped items have always suffered durability loss while fighting, and we are simply slowing the rate at which the loss occurs.

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug that was causing Unique monsters to not drop the appropriate amount of loot when slain

Fixed a bug with linking items with 3 gem sockets

It is no longer possible to create fake achievement links

Bug Fixes


Fixed a bug that was causing the “Switch Hero” button to occasionally disappear after leaving a game while in town

Fixed several gold and leveling exploits

Fixed several game and service crashes (for Mac and PC)